Pennaire Filtration LEV Testing

LEV Survey & Testing

Everyone using Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems to prevent or control dust emissions, has a legal obligation under Regulation 9 of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002 to ensure any such systems operate successfully.



Pennaire Filtration Air Quality Testing

It is a requirement of COSHH that LEV systems should be thoroughly examined and tested to ensure compliance with HSG258 (Controlling airborne contaminants at work) at least once every 14 months, although in practice this is normally taken to mean annually. A suitable record of the LEV test has to be produced and a record kept for a period of not less than 5 years. This record should also include any repairs that are carried out as a result of the thorough examination and test.


COSHH and HSE Logos
Pennaire Filtration LEV Air Flow Indicator
Pennaire Filtration Air Quality LEV Testing label
Pennaire Filtration Ltd LEV Testing

LEV testing and the compilation of results into an appropriate record is a specialist discipline which should be undertaken by suitably qualified personnel, who importantly also need to have a detailed understanding of the design and function of the LEV systems they are examining. That’s why Pennaire service engineers are the ideal choice when comes to LEV testing. As we actually design, supply, install, commission and service LEV systems, our engineers are trained and experienced in all aspects of dust control. Furthermore, we are fully qualified by the British Occupational Hygiene Society to BOHS P601.

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